May 28, 2012

Wedding Rings

Camera in the Mirror

Before and After

Public Scenes


Nature and the Great Outdoors

[Aside from the usual category descriptions, some photos just beg to have a bit more said about them.]

This photo is from the World Naked Bike Ride (planned topic for a future Special Edition here), an event consisting of clothing-optional rides in various cities worldwide, promoting independence from fossil fuel. Presumably no participant stumbles onto this event by accident and, by the way, fortuitously just happens to have a bicycle on their person. If these men have given the matter serious aforethought, they have to realize the event will be crawling with voyeurs with cameras. (Photos indeed are all over the internet, and nearly every one includes other photographers in the frame, snapping up the moment for all posterity.)

This guy has the words "Free Energy" hand-written across his chest. I have certainly availed myself of his energy, as have untold others as this photo makes its ever-progressing rounds. I note that he has a hoodie sweatshirt draped through the straps of his backpack. Is this so he can get dressed at the conclusion of the ride before anyone sees him?

Miscellaneous Viral Exposure

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